
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Continuation of "Touristy Moment" (9. May)

Did you see the post before the previous post, where I wanted to go up the tower in the cathedral? Well, this time around (for 6 PLN) I actually had the opportunity to go up and enjoy the view!

Easy to understand elevator

First thing you see when the doors open.

At the far end, looking back at the elevator (there's only 1).

This is how you get to the top.

Once you get to the top, turn left, and you're here!

Looking towards the west-southwest(ish)

Towards the south-southeast

Towards the northwest

Towards the north-northwest

Towards the northeast

Again, to the northwest (see the Braunschweig Palace?)

Towards the east (where I used to live)

The park I usually go through to get to the train station/bus terminal.

Are you afraid of heights?

Another of my favorite parks, towards the east.

Alright, time to go down.

Ah, so these are the dimensions. Our view was from 50 meters.

Actually, there weren't any stairs, so I don't know why that is there.

I pressed the "1" button, the door opened to this view!

Wow, what a ceiling!

That was great! Now, off to walk around some and take in the gorgeous day!

O Spring . . .

This watcher is at his post.
Bridge for the trains that come and go.

My favorite multi-colored lit bridge (you see the lights at night)

Oh for tree tunnels . . .

Looking at a neighboring fountain from within the tunnel.

The "park" side of the tunnel (there's a road on the other side).

The end where you can look straight in (the other side is curved).

The park between the city and the beach.

What? A Viking ship? Tourism makes all things possible.

Seagull taking it slowly on the sea.

Customers enjoying the cafe on the pier.

Swan taking a nap.

Elegance on the beach.

Sandcastle architect at work (he goes to our church).

Promenade that runs parallel to the beach.

Oh! See the "piano crosswalk"? Why is that?

Of course! It's Frederick Chopin Street!

Such rich vegetation beside the beach.

Two roads diverged in a green wood . . .

The cutest cat that would greet me every once in a while, near the school/church.

Such a lovely day.

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