Yeah, I should start working on my CELTA assignments, but let me publish this post with my last pictures in Kołobrzeg. Sometime later (hopefully not too much later), I'll post my pictures while in Kraków. My CELTA course will be documented on my
mother blog, whereas I'll post my pictures of Kraków here.
To keep things rolling, let's continue with the title of this post: My last days in Kołobrzeg . . .
I knew this day would come, but of course, not like it did.
Even though I didn't leave the apartment much, I did take a few last-time walks around Kołobrzeg. I also took a few pics for my memories.
From the "Empty Beach" and park that runs parallel to it:
Empty beach, lighthouse side. |
Empty beach, the infinite side. |
An old German cemetery from before the war. |
From the "American Embassy":
(I can't believe I haven't taken a picture of this until now. I've visited a few times. For my Złoty (PLN)-earning-self, this place was too expensive for me.
If you've never traveled abroad, you don't know how nice and elegant McDonalds can be.
Not all have Drive-thrus! |
Front-ish view |
This recycling system is actually quite simple. |
My favorite feature of this McDonalds:
You can order and/or pay here! In English too! |
How does this menu compare with your local McDonalds? |
Finally trying out some of the local food that I've wanted to try all year long and haven't--until now!:
Zapiekanka! See it's size? And it's cheap! (7 PLN!) |
Where I got said zapiekanka. |
Chili (spicy) kebab. It was legit Korean+level spicy! I was impressed! |
Where I got the legit-spicy kebab. |
The "Touristy Beach":
Swans on waves |
A park beside one part of said beach
Two roads diverged in a green wood . . . |
The church family in Kołobrzeg:
It was truly sad saying "goodbye" to this church. Oh the day, when we'll all be reunited in Heaven, never to separate again . . .
Bittersweet. I must return and visit. |
Last trip outside of Kołobrzeg: to Ustronie Morskie, to have lunch with a student & her family and say goodbye to them too. I taught the girl and Danielle taught her little brother. Hence, both of us went.
Wow, the yellow Rape-seed flowers, reminds me of Korea a bit. |
Being blown away at the beach/pier at Ustronie Morskie. |
Restaurant/cafe at the end of an extremely short pier in Ustronie Morskie. |
"Penguin swimmers", as I call them. This water is cold all-year-round. |
And finally, the many huskies of Kołobrzeg:
Finally got a better picture! I love these dogs! |
That's it.
Thank you Kołobrzeg for being my home in Poland for over 8 months. Thanks for all the memories and the lessons--both given and received. This is a place I'm already planning to visit. Kołobrzeg has a small piece of my heart. Like in every stage of life, it's time to move on . . .
. . . on to Kraków.