
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Last Sabbath in Poland (18. June)

My time in Poland is drawing to a close. Before I leave, I'll try to post as much as I can from my last week in Poland.

I'll start with my last Sabbath.

After finishing the CELTA course in Kraków on Thursday (June 16th), I left the following day with a couple of friends I made at church to the Adventist Theological Seminary in Podkowa Leśna (about a 40 min. train ride from Warszawa). This was very generous of them, since they helped me with my luggage. 
I really felt bad for the guy: as we were walking from my place to the main train station in Kraków, it started to POUR on us--and we weren't even half-way there! We had a bit of a time constraint, so we needed to continue. We were both thoroughly soaked. Considering how hot it was, getting soaked actually felt good--but I'm really sorry this guy had to get soaked thanks to me. We can safely say that I am so much more motivated to pack light next time!

Anyway, a 4 hr. train ride, another 38 min. train ride, a couple of stops at 2 grocery stores and a 10 min. walk later, we finally arrived on campus. We got settled in. The girl who traveled with me is an alumnus of this school, so she was trying to meet as many familiar faces as she could. I was able to meet a couple familiar faces myself (I was here during this time).

On Sabbath, we went to church.
I think I'll actually miss going to a church service completely in Polish, needing someone to interpret for me, just to get the gist.
We had lunch together, then we decided to go for a walk--especially since this girl wanted to see if her favorite horse was still around.

The photographer told me to pose, so I did.

L: Old radio station, R: where Agnieszka & I were staying

Oh, there's a choir concert Sabbath evening? Wow, excellent timing! Let's go! Too bad Agnieszka had to return to Kraków that night.
Thank you so much for coming along! Really, your presence meant a lot.

The choir sitting during a long pause.

The flyer

As much as I love to sing, I don't like all-female choirs. All-men choirs are my favorite (with a strong bass section, I'm a very happy girl). However, I can honestly say these ladies impressed me. I don't like all-female choirs, but I liked this one. That's saying something. 

Afterwards, since it was still light outside, my friend and I decide to go for a walk.

Wait, I know that bird call . . . is that really a peacock?

Lo and behold, a white peacock indeed!

The seal of Podkowa Leśna. I was told this means "wooden horseshoe"?

The park right across from the train station.

Same park (couldn't find the name on Google Maps)

Peacocks on trees . . . in Poland . . .

You gotta love the unexpected randomness that comes from exploring different parts of the world!

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