Special Valentine's Day edition, brought to you by poor planning and accidents!
We couldn't get train tickets back to Kolobrzeg on Sunday (that would also bring us back safely), so we were stuck in Southern Poland for an extra day.
Well we're here, we might as well try to enjoy it.
Our first stop |
Tropical flowers |
Oh if only my step-mother were here . . . |
. . . and my mother's sister . . . They'd love this. |
Amazon Aquarium |
Speedily swimming by |
Hey, can we pick some? |
"Sing us a song, you're the piano man . . ." |
Basic info |
Let's go in |
Whoa . . . for you Americans to see what old is! |
Open door |
Humble attempt at a dramatic pose. |
Humble attempt at a dramatic pose that failed miserably. |
Our third stop, Muzeum Zagłębia, just a five minute walk from Będzin Castle. |
Who would have known, that this museum was free on this day: Valentine's Day?
Not only this, but there were free stuff to be had inside??
What my mother used to wash her clothes when she was growing up. |
Today's camera's ancestor from way back when. |
Back to the weaving loom. |
Am kinda curious to try cooking in this type of kitchen. |
I mentioned free stuff, right? They included a pocket calendar; tea, coffee, and cookies; dance lessons with your significant other and other things that I don't remember now.
Video blogger who bombed my picture. |
Free tea and cookies? I fully approve this message. |
Hmm, makes you think . . . |
View of Będzin Castle from Zagłębia Museum |
| |
So we returned back to Kołobrzeg Monday evening, safe and sound, considering the circumstances and possible options/outcomes. Any other way, and we would have actually placed ourselves in harm's way. Thank GOD for HIS Wisdom and Protection.
This concludes the Winter Break series.
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